Aveva incorporates TwinThread – accelerating Insight AI capabilities – delivering immediate value to its customers

The industrial automation process optimization landscape continues rapidly evolving, with new opportunities surfacing daily to delight customers… or lose them. And, with everyone scrambling for the same piece of the pie, time to market is critical, as is the need to differentiate from the competition.

Typically an industrial automation vendor has two choices when bringing solutions to market:

  • Build it
    • Pro - all desired functionality is included.
    • Con - lengthy time to market; sometimes difficult to scale.
  • Use a third party’s technology
    • Pro - rapid time to market; scalable.
    • Con - incomplete features/function set.

Like many industrial solution providers, AVEVA faced this conundrum, but chose a new path, electing to “leap ahead”- incorporating a “pre-built for purpose” platform from TwinThread into their Insight AI solution. TwinThread gives Aveva the best of both worlds: a platform that supports all of their desired feature set and expertise; rapid time to market and scale. Insight was delivered in months, and Aveva’s customers are achieving quantifiable value in weeks.

See an example of Aveva delivering rapid, quantifiable results using TwinThread’s platform.

Sheila Kester
Post by Sheila Kester
August 25, 2021
Sheila Kester is the current Chief Operating Officer at TwinThread. Having accumulated over 20 years of experience in technical operations and customer experience at successful software companies like Wonderware and GE, Sheila has a proven track record as a central catalyst for driving organizational change, commercial excellence, and sustaining exponential growth. A business architect through and through, Sheila exited her role in 2015 as a leader in GE’s global commercial operations to build her successful tech consultancy firm, Commercial Insights, before joining TwinThread in 2019.

Sheila’s management philosophy produces results. By enforcing “just the right” amount of infrastructure, she enables teams to work towards the ultimate, shared goal of the highest quality customer experience.

She’s a proud graduate of Boston College (Business and Computer Science) and Babson (MBA 2019), a native New Yorker, and a fierce advocate for women in tech.