Thomas Edison once said: “There’s a way to do it better. Find it.” These words, first spoken over a century ago, still ring true today. 

The path to achieving operational excellence is rooted in experimentation, observation, and action. The challenge, however, is that keeping ahead in today’s highly competitive marketplace demands that change and innovation happen at an accelerated pace. Add to this the reality that – no matter what you produce, deliver, or support – missteps can be costly.

These two dynamics – time and risk – are the key ingredients for operational stagnation. And unlike the quote from our friend Mr. Edison, the old “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” adage is not as applicable here in the 21st century. 

To de-risk change, today’s operations professionals need to take a decidedly data-centric approach to innovation. They need to quickly ascertain how changes would impact the business, identify (and eliminate) areas of inefficiency, then rapidly implement those changes at scale. This experiment-iterate-implement cycle was firmly in mind as we developed the TwinThread platform. 

With TwinThread, we make it easy for any organization – regardless of size, industry, or geography – to quickly create a Digital Twin of any process. Through this approach, organizations gain unique and granular insight into their entire operation so they can identify and weed-out inefficiencies. This not only improves day-to-day operations, but this Digital Twin also serves as a remarkably versatile platform for driving innovation. 

Through the Digital Twin, data scientists, engineers, and other operations professionals can develop, test, and observe new processes and approaches without impacting live operations. This delivers a level of freedom and creativity that engages your teams, fuels new ideas, and encourages novel approaches to existing challenges. 

And when you’re ready to move those experiments into “the real world,” the insights gained by working with the Digital Twin allows you to do so with a greater sense of speed and security. 

We would love to show you how this all comes together. Just hit the “request demo” button below and we’ll get a discussion on the books.

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Luis Morinigo
Post by Luis Morinigo
January 12, 2021
Luis Morinigo is passionate about helping enterprise customers solve complex industrial challenges. With a unique cross-section of skills and experiences in consulting and emerging technologies, he ensures clients solve their most pressing, business-critical opportunities for enterprise scale. Luis excels in customer success management by focusing on long-term client satisfaction and retention. In addition to customer success management, Luis has a proven track record in enterprise program management. He adeptly manages high-level initiatives across organizations, coordinating multiple projects and teams to align with overall business objectives. Focusing on customer success and program management, Luis leverages his extensive cross-industry knowledge of technology and strategy to help customers derive the most value from the TwinThread platform to achieve their strategic goals. This ultimately drives significant business impact and fosters lasting customer relationships.