Most contemporary production environments generate a tremendous amount of data, yet true insight is in short supply. What’s missing is the digital equivalent of “connective tissue” – a layer of technology that translates raw data into actionable information. Dashboards and visualization tools can help, but only a predictive analytics platform can unlock the full potential of that information.

That’s where we come in.

Designed by a team of industrial automation experts, the TwinThread platform empowers engineering, product, and manufacturing professionals to gain greater insight into the day-to-day operation of their plants. From energy consumption to equipment health to product quality and more, TwinThread delivers both information and prescriptive recommendations to fine-tune and optimize virtually any process in the plant.

This approach empowers you to drive operational improvements, minimize downtime, and sharpen your competitive edge. Best of all, we can get you up and running and collecting data in a matter of minutes.

No, that’s not a typo or marketing hype. Minutes.

Sound too good to be true? Give us a try and let us prove it to you. See a demo here. We promise it will be time well spent.Schedule a Demo

Luis Morinigo
Post by Luis Morinigo
September 15, 2020
Luis Morinigo is passionate about helping enterprise customers solve complex industrial challenges. With a unique cross-section of skills and experiences in consulting and emerging technologies, he ensures clients solve their most pressing, business-critical opportunities for enterprise scale. Luis excels in customer success management by focusing on long-term client satisfaction and retention. In addition to customer success management, Luis has a proven track record in enterprise program management. He adeptly manages high-level initiatives across organizations, coordinating multiple projects and teams to align with overall business objectives. Focusing on customer success and program management, Luis leverages his extensive cross-industry knowledge of technology and strategy to help customers derive the most value from the TwinThread platform to achieve their strategic goals. This ultimately drives significant business impact and fosters lasting customer relationships.