Whether your assets are old or new you’re always looking for new ways to be more competitive.  Predictive Operations based on Digital Twins can do just that.  

Digital Twins give you a digital representation of your physical equipment and processes in the cloud and serve as a foundation to quickly build intelligence and extend the digital capabilities of those assets regardless of their physical age or current level of instrumentation.

Predictive Operations applications sit on top of Digital Twins and use models & algorithms of various types to provide predictive insights that help you proactively drive key performance metrics such as Uptime %, First Pass Quality, Production Throughput, and Energy Cost.     

Here are three specific ways Predictive Operations make you more competitive:

         Innovation at Scale

Imagine having the ability to test a hypothesis to optimize production without interrupting production and without the risk of re-coding control systems or trying different process settings on the fly.  This is what having good Digital Twins with associated predictive models allows you to do.

Now imagine having the ability to test that hypothesis across hundreds, or even thousands of production lines simultaneously, each personalized with their own history and operating conditions that are unique to each line.   This is what TwinThread’s Predictive Operations Platform allows you to do at scale. 

No more waiting to reprogram controls or prove out new process settings in the physical world, now you can innovate at scale in the digital world and only apply the innovations that actually improve performance in the real world, automated and at scale. 

Proactive vs. Reactive Optimization

What if you could stop reacting to problems after they occur and start systematically preventing problems?  Even if you are world-class at reacting to and solving problems quickly it is still significantly better to prevent the problems from occurring in the first place.  

The data you collect from your processes and equipment can deliver a lot of valuable learning by looking backward at what has happened in the past.  If you can automatically learn and apply those learnings to automatically recognize problems before they occur, significantly more value can be extracted from that same data.

TwinThread’s Predictive Operations applications give your process and equipment engineers the tools they need to create sophisticated predictive models without coding and without data science expertise.  These models are applied to provide advanced warning of problems and optimize your processes in real-time, and at scale.   

Accelerated Continuous Improvement

Innovation is a race - whoever gets there first, wins. So, when a member of your team has an idea for improving your process or equipment, the speed at which you can go from conception to implementation is everything.

TwinThread’s Predictive Operations Platform prioritizes speed to value not just in words, but in actions. In less than an hour, you can transform your data into predictive models and proactive action.  Imagine seeing an idea turned into improvement action in just one hour.  Now imagine applying that same improvement to hundreds or thousands of production lines with the click of a button.  

By using your data, Digital Twins, and our Predictive Operations technology in a fully digitized and automated process you can accelerate Continuous Improvement 100x over traditional methods.

Driving Continuous Improvement actions in an automated way, and at scale, is not only how you get ahead in today’s hyper competitive environment,  it is also how you stay ahead.  If you’re looking to unlock these competitive advantages, it’s easy to get started. 

Schedule a demo of our Predictive Operations Platform today.

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Andrew Waycott
Post by Andrew Waycott
August 4, 2020
Andrew Waycott, the President and co-founder of TwinThread, is an expert in the intersection of manufacturing, technology, and Industrial AI. Over the past three decades, he has worked to evolve manufacturers on a global scale. Andrew's passion lies in finding untapped or business-critical growth opportunities to help clients achieve their business objectives. Working closely with corporate leaders and operations managers, Andrew has overseen and managed projects that have helped customers generate millions in total savings. Andrew's career has spanned a variety of positions in IT, sales, development, consulting, and management. This experience has equipped him to provide advanced factory floor and manufacturing support in industries as diverse as pulp and paper, dairy products, brick manufacturing, brewing, wineries, pharmaceuticals, and several other discrete, batch, and continuous process industries.