Optimizing energy utilization within your organization can be challenging, but it becomes exponentially easier if you take a well-planned, deliberate approach to driving continuous improvement. With decades of experience in this area, TwinThread is happy to share some of our best tips and tricks:

  1. Assemble the team
    Your “energy dream team” typically consists of Process Engineers, Data Scientists, and other domain experts that can help you to identify what type of data to collect and how to go about analyzing that information.
  2. Digitize energy consumption
    To do this, you need an IoT Data Store that collects information from multiple repositories, including historians, MES systems, PLCs, even Excel spreadsheets. You also need a tool that can aggregate, interrogate, operationalize, and then scale the insights you find.
  3. Visualize the results
    To make the information more accessible (and actionable) by a broader audience, presenting the data in a tool that makes it easy for each team member to see results in a context that’s most relevant for each role will make it easier to act. 

Taken together, these needs lend themselves to a Predictive Operations Platform that values speed, puts experts first, gives your organization visibility where they most need it, and is backed by a provider that’s experienced in your environment.

With all these pieces in place, you’ll have all the elements you need to optimize energy usage and, more importantly, maintain the improvements you’ve been able to achieve.  

If you’d like to learn more about TwinThread’s Predictive Operations Platform, and how easy it makes accessing your energy data and insights, get started today.

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Sheila Kester
Post by Sheila Kester
November 2, 2020
Sheila Kester is the current Chief Operating Officer at TwinThread. Having accumulated over 20 years of experience in technical operations and customer experience at successful software companies like Wonderware and GE, Sheila has a proven track record as a central catalyst for driving organizational change, commercial excellence, and sustaining exponential growth. A business architect through and through, Sheila exited her role in 2015 as a leader in GE’s global commercial operations to build her successful tech consultancy firm, Commercial Insights, before joining TwinThread in 2019.

Sheila’s management philosophy produces results. By enforcing “just the right” amount of infrastructure, she enables teams to work towards the ultimate, shared goal of the highest quality customer experience.

She’s a proud graduate of Boston College (Business and Computer Science) and Babson (MBA 2019), a native New Yorker, and a fierce advocate for women in tech.